Time Formats
To display | Use this format |
Hours as 0 through 23 | h |
Hours as 00 through 23 | hh |
Minutes as 0 through 59 | m |
Minutes as 00 through 59 | mm |
Seconds as 0 through 59 | s |
Seconds as 00 through 59 | ss |
Hours as 4 AM | h AM/PM |
Time as 4:36 PM | h:mm AM/PM |
Time as 4:36:03 P | h:mm:ss A/P |
Elapsed time in hours; for example, 15:02 | [h]:mm |
Elapsed time in minutes; for example, 33:46 | [mm]:ss |
Elapsed time in seconds | [ss] |
If the format contains an AM or PM, the hour is based on the 12-hour clock, where "AM" or "A" indicates times from midnight until noon and "PM" or "P" indicates times from noon until midnight. Otherwise, the hour is based on the 24-hour clock. The "m" or "mm" code must appear immediately after the "h" or "hh" code or immediately before the "ss" code; otherwise, GoFormz displays the month instead of minutes.
Updated about 2 months ago