
Automatically increment a number using a custom key passed in to the AutoNumber function


=AutoNumber(key, [seedNumber])

The AutoNumber function syntax has the following arguments:

key Required.

[seedNumber] Optional.





=AutoNumber("Custom Key")

Uses the value "Custom Key" to look up the next number in the sequence. Since no seed number was specified, it will default to starting at 1

1, or the next number in the sequence

=AutoNumber("Custom Key", 1459)

Uses the value "Custom Key" to look up the next number in the sequence. Since the seed was specified as 1459, the first number is the sequence will be 1459

1459, or the next number in the sequence

=AutoNumber([Field Name])

Uses the value in [Field Name] to look up the next number in the sequence. Since no seed number was specified, it will default to starting at 1

1, or the next number in the sequence

=AutoNumber([Field Name], 5000)

Uses the value in [Field Name] to look up the next number in the sequence. Since the seed was specified as 1459, the first number is the sequence will be 1459

5000, or the next number in the sequence